Knowing the unknown
(For chelsea manning)
“I will only admit evidence of the chilling effects of Bradley Manning's actions have had on US diplomacy if those effectswere observed directly after the information was made public'
Judge Denise Lind
To tell the truth about atrocity
To provoke debate about honesty
How can that aid the enemy
To ask questions of military intervention
To instigate a mass mobilization
These facts existed
What changed was the public perception
And lest we forget in the tourniquet of instapatriotism
The acts of bush/blair and their shock and awe
Enough to endanger us interests at home and abroad?
Or numerous soldiers killing children and mothers
Raping women then lying for each other
The chilling effects of a bullet are more bullets more lies
The chilling effects of bombs are more bombs from more skies
The chilling effect war
Wasted lives,
The chilling effects of chelsea manning's actions
Were education
Like wilfred owen, siegfried sassoon and tim o' brien
Before her
Bearing witness to savagery and
Like the suffragettes
the chartists
Freedom of information
And emancipation all she wanted
Yet chelsea manning
Lays imprisoned
By her acts of responsible humanity
A whistleblower only asks questions
to what is civil in our civilization
holds the mirror up to society
The only chilling effect isknowledge and
Knowledge has its own destiny
And that does not aid the enemy